It is an American action-adventure thriller based on DC Comics. The plot of the film “Green Lantern Corps” tells the story of a fictional intergalactic organization called the Green Lantern Corps, which patrols and guards the farthest corners of the universe.
The world of superheroes has long attracted young viewers who watched with great interest the adventures of their favorite characters. The main character of this movie is a young guy named Hal Jordan. At first glance, he may seem like an ordinary person who lives an unremarkable life and does the same thing every day. However, in reality, everything turns out to be completely different from what one might think.
If you want to know when does Green Lantern Corps come out, then look through the topic below.
Geoff Johns, DC Comics creative director and the author of almost all DC comic book comics in the last decade, as well as several episodes of “Smallville” and “Blade,” is working on the script for the picture.
He talked about the idea of the film: “Soon we will go down to the bottom of the ocean, remember the myths of ancient Greece, and go on a journey in time. We also want to give viewers the opportunity to go into space. The Green Lantern Corps will help us realize this idea.”
When is Green Lantern Corps 2020 coming to theaters?
Be patient, you will know it a little later.
For many years, a secret organization of intergalactic forces called the Green Lantern Corps patrolled and guarded the farthest corners of our universe. The organization itself is subject to the Guardians of the Universe, whose base is on the planet Oa. Currently, the organization has about 7200 members, which are divided into 3600 sections.
Throughout its long existence, the Green Lantern Corps experienced many external and internal conflicts, but each time it coped with all the difficulties. Each of the members of the Corps, called the Green Lanterns, has no fear and is always ready to fight. Each of them also has a power ring, which gives opportunities and power, limited only by the imagination of its owner.
One day, members of the Green Light Corps Hal Jordan and John Stewart learn about the threat of destruction of the Corps. Forgetting all the differences, they are in a hurry to stop the enemy.
The movie Green Lantern Corps trailer is not available now.
Rumors are actively circulating that in the upcoming picture Mark Wahlberg will play one of the main roles. At the same time, Warner Bros. leaves no hope that Tom Cruise will take part in the movie. Tom discourages either that he does not like the script, or makes up some other arguments…
Release date
Unfortunately for fans of superhero films, the Green Lantern Corps will be released only in 2020. However, the release date of the film is already known. Green Lantern Corps 2020 movie release date will take place on June 19, 2020, in the United States. One can only hope that the picture will exceed all expectations.