This is a continuation of the American computer-animated comedy film of 2014 “The Lego Movie”. The main character of the animated film “The Lego Movie Sequel” – once a simple builder Emmett became favorites and confronted the villain Lord business. Since then, it took a lot of time, and Emmett returned to his former life. Now he, like everyone else, going through the usual everyday work and other everyday problems. If you want to know all information concerning the movie, including the answer to the main question: “When does The Lego Movie 2 come out”, you should watch the article below.
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To film the continuation of the animated project will debutant Rob Schrab. He will replace the original directors Phil Lord and Christopher Miller who will remain as writers and producers.
In truth, Shrab is not a newcomer. On his account such works as “Classmates”, “Parks and Recreation” and “The Mindy Project”. But Rob for the first time comes out with a big movie.
Recall that the Lord and Miller also are producing spin-off cartoon, folded-up the Danish designer, where the main character will be the Batman. Chris McKay – the director of the film who worked on the series “Robot Chicken”.
In February 2014, producer and the head writer, Jared Stern announced the continuation of the animated film. In March 2014, it was announced that the film will be released after the appearance on the big screen of the pictures “Lego. Film: Batman” and “The LEGO Ninjago movie”. National President of the rental department “Warner Bros” Dan Felman expressed confidence in the success of the project: “We are very pleased to introduce our release schedule – after all, the movie has a lot of fans around the world. We have already started the development of these three pictures – and this is only the beginning of a large project, designed for many years”.
When is The Lego Movie 2 2019 coming to theaters?
It is planned to release the movie on the screen in the first part of February 2019.
Why will the sequel be good?
The first part has many advantages when compared with the rest of the cartoon animation projects. It would be important to start with the scenery and characters. One of the famous elements I the movie is children’s constructor. That is why cartoon has become widely popular among young audiences. Of course, such an approach can deliver the writers and directors in an awkward position, because in this cartoon depicted only that what is available to create in reality.
Incredible adventures of Lego toy as well as his fellows, you will see soon. This time Emmett will continue his own way and will not think about troubles, deciding that all the dangers and obstacles are already left behind
He no longer even begins to think about whether necessary to live peacefully and in one place. But there is a new incident occurs again, in which case the journey will be inevitable. In the movie, Emmett, usual toy, will be taken for the person. And from that moment the adventure will be difficult but interesting. The plot of this cartoon will like not only children but also their parents.
The official movie The Lego Movie 2 trailer is not available but it will be released closer to the out of the movie.
The main character of the film is Emmett, who became elected and confronted the villain Lord business, is returned to normal life. Everything was as before, every day Emmett goes to work, where always gets into some trouble trying to establish personal life and relationships with friends.
- C. Pratt as a voice of Emmett
- W. Arnett as a voice of Batman
- E. Banks as a voice of Wyldstyle
- N. Offerman as a voice of Metal Beard
- A. Brie as a voice of Unikitty
- C. Day as a voice of Benny
Release Date
The Lego Movie 2 2019 movie release date is scheduled for February 8, 2019, in the USA. In Russia movie will come earlier, in May 2019.