“My Little Pony” is the new adventure movie by Jayson Thiessen. Before it release we decided to give all-known information on the movie. In the topic we will observe all the main questions such as: “When does My Little Pony: The Movie come out?”, “When is My Little Pony: The Movie coming to theaters?”, “What is the movie about?” All right, here we go!
Have to wait:
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- J. Thiessen is a producer of the movie. He is known for “My Little Pony: Friendship is a Magic”, “My Little Pony: Equestria Girls”
- Daniel Ingram is a compositor of the movie.
- Anthony Di Ninno is a cinematographer
- B. Oberson is a film editor.
- M. Peraza Jr. is a production designer.
- R. Dart is an art director.
- K. McCormick is a production manager.
- Trailer
The official movie My Little Pony: The Movie trailer is already available on the YouTube.
Who is Pony?
Pony is a small horse with height of 65-145 centimeters. Pony first is appeared in northern Scandinavia and the French islands of the Camargue in the delta of the Rhone River. There was found prehistoric small horse-Solutrean, the mother of the current pony. So that today’s ponies are direct descendants of very ancient breeds. Not that today’s “normal” horses, which, for the sake of exterior crossed, criss-crossed and crossed again, without leaving in them a drop of the ancient ancestral blood. A Scandinavian pony seems have its origin from the tundra pony, which form is best viewed in English Exmoor pony. The blood of the ancient ancestors also flows in these ponies. According to fossils the horses such as Exmoor ponies also lived in prehistoric times in North America.
Scandinavia is rocky and scarce vegetation as well as the islands of the Rhone River. It is difficult to grow up healthy and powerful in such an environment where little nutrition, Atlantic wind chills to the bone. But small and shaggy horse can grow. Now ponies are bred especially in Corsica, Gotland, Sicily, Iceland, and the British Isles. It is about 20 riding and draft breeds. They are hard workers; they can carry the load in the twenty times more than their own weight. They were used in the mines; they drove trucks for 3000 hours per year. It turned out that one such Shetland pony transported underground 3000 tons of cargo over a distance of almost 5000 kilometers in the year. Though in the mines is stopped use of ponies, Shetland pony demand continues to grow. And not only in Scotland, England and Ireland, but also in central Europe, USA, Australia, Canada, Saudi Arabia, Malta and so on. Everyone needs unpretentious horse which eats what man give, it is strong and calm. Pony for farmers is an indispensable animal. People keep and breed ponies in amateur purposes. They use them in street performances, circuses, theater productions. Say pony stand – it stands. Say go – it goes.
It is also pony used as horse riding. For children. Even competitions are held such as running hurdles. In short, the pony is a horse popular and multi-faceted, so to speak.
And it is a little pity about pony. Probably, because it’s small…
Adventure movie is about the nice ponies that live in dreamland. The evil power threatens to Ponyville. Six friends go on an unbelievable trip abroad Equestria. In a new chapter they will meet new characters and overcome all difficulties, using the magic of friendship to save their own place from destruction.
The voices of the main characters are provided by Sia, S. Chan-Kent, A. Libman, T. Germain, T. Strong.
Release Date
My Little Pony: The Movie 2017 release date is planned on 6th of October in US.