After the film “Battleship” was shot and announced the film on “Tetris,” the announcements of other adaptations of the games are not particularly surprising. For example, recently was officially announced the movie adaptation of Rampage.
World superstar D. Johnson, led by director B. Peyton, topped the cast of the action film “Rampage” – famous game of the 1980s. The movie on famous game is already the third joint work of Dwayne, Brad, and Bo, among them “San Andreas,” which failed at the box office. In the article below, you will find all known information about the picture, cast, creators and also the answer to the question: “When does Rampage come out?” Here we go!
The game with the same name allowed to choose one of the three available beasts: the monkey, the lizard and the wolf. All of them were ordinary people, while the military did not conduct a series of experiments on them. Angry creatures travel around the cities of America, crushing homes and main attractions. The game was ported from slot machines to multiple consoles and received several sequels, where the geography of destruction expanded, and the action was eventually transferred even to space.
When is Rampage coming to theaters in 2018?
The movie will appear on screen only in 2018.
Dwayne on Instagram
D. Johnson shared information about the story of the adventure film:
“Finally, I’m in Georgia and start filming in “Rampage.” My character is the leader of the anti-poaching team. I am friendly with rare monkey that is called George. Violent villains infect George along with other two animals (wolf and alligator) with serum. After that, they began to grow rapidly. Their size and aggression are just incredible. They wish to make their own hell on the Earth. My buddy does not like this at all as well as my hero,” – The Rock wrote on his Instagram. “I have to track down the villains. Let me find them, these guys will get what they deserve.” The Rock always was for the justice and that’s great!
The movie Rampage trailer is not publicly available. On the Net, you can see a lot of fan-made trailers and comments of the cast about the movie.
D. Okoye prefers to stay away from people and is friends with George, an amazingly clever alpha-male – gorilla, whom he raised since birth. But a terrible experimentation that gets out of control turns an obedient monkey into a furious monster. Moreover, it soon appears that there are other modified predators. While the beasts turn the North America into ruins, Okoye, along with the disgraced geneticist, tries to invent an antidote, breaking through the endless field of battle, not only to prevent a ultimate destructions but also to save a fearless creature, which was once a friend of his.
- D. Johnson as Davis Okoye
- J. Manganiello as Burke
- D. Lopez as Zoo Girl
- J. Liles as George
- M. D. Yuhl as Navy Officer
- D. C. Baker as Officer King
Release date
In the USA, Rampage movie release date in 2018 is scheduled for April 20.
In the UK, the movie will be release on 13 April 2018.
New Line Cinema announced that Rampage will be released in April 2018. In the opinion of the company’s bosses, this time period is ideal for box office success. This weekend, competitors do not plan to release high-profile projects, so the film will be able to draw the attention of the maximum audience.
We look forward to its release.
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