In 2013 the world saw the very first part of animated 3D American comedy film with elements of adventure, and even drama, made by DreamWorks Animation – the one who made the most popular cartoon in the whole world known as Shrek. One of their latest projects is the second part of the film released just a few years ago. So, the question is when does The Croods 2 come out? It is not that easy to answer that question due to some issues that appeared when the first scheduled date was canceled. What are the reasons for doing that and when to expect this animated movie to appear in American pictures and theaters?
In the April 2013, DW Animation made a solid decision to start a brand new project which was going to be a sequel to the first animated film.
Later on, in the September of the same year, it was officially announced that the set of the particular actors who played main characters agreed to take a part in a sequel. Among them are:
- Nicolas Cage.
- Emma Stone.
- Ryan Reynolds.
After all the preparations needed for the professional film production, there were some rumors about its future release date. Even if movie The Crood 2 trailer hasn’t been announced yet, the information about the film being released at the very beginning of November in 2017 was confirmed but later refuted. The new release date was set to be at the end of December in the same year. Later on, in 2015 a few actors joined the team of actors but in 2016 Fox made a decision to cancel December’s premiere moving it to 2018. However, the precise date of The Croods 2 2018 movie release date is still under the secret.
Connection with the first film
Having no idea what the world of animated movie lovers will see in a year (more or less), we can only make some predictions that are based on the first movie and its connection. 2005 is a year when people heard about this project for the first time and were hoping to see a great comedy film not just for kids but also for teenagers and older people. At that time, as a part of interesting fact, this movie wasn’t an original project of Dream Works. However, the first company that started new franchise was Aardman Animations. It is actually a British animation Studio that is originally based in Bristol in 1972.
The film cast task was to give the voice to the people that lived in Pliocene era. Why is it so interesting for kids? Mostly, because this era contains different creatures that are in close connection with the people, or upcoming project in 2018 main characters’, – they are friends, enemies, and even families. The very first movie was represented in 2013 at a film festival in Berlin. Another interesting fact is that the cartoon earned huge popularity in the whole world so its makers made a solid decision to launch a new franchise in the future.
At the end of December in 2015 Dawn of the Croods, new television series were released on Netflix. Despite the fact movie director, producers and the whole team are not aware of when is The Croods 2 2018 coming to theaters they still continue filming these series that are very popular and loved by many people of all ages.
What do people think about The Croods? – it is the power of a family that can change the history. In the very first film, people had the opportunity to see the group of people that live in a cave and are scared of trying somewhat new in their life. They think the Moon and the Fire are Sun. But later on, after having lots of funny and breathtaking adventures they find themselves without their own home as it was destroyed due to the earthquake. But they don’t stop going ahead – they follow the Sun – the real one – and this is how they continue their unforgettable journey in order to explore the new world.