The first movie “Personal Shopper” was shown at the 69th Cannes Film Festival, where it was nominated for the “Palme d’Or”. In an interview with actress K. Stewart, she shared her impressions about the shooting of the film: “I feel that I can no longer have an opportunity to work on the theme of the underworld. I think I just got lucky because the director has other projects and other stories that should be told. I’m going to help him to reveal the subject and I hope that we will find each other again.”
- O. Assayas is a director of the movie. He is known for “Paris, I love you”, “Clouds of Sils Maria”, “Summer Hours”.
- Y. Saux is a cinematographer.
- M. Monnier is a film editor.
- F. Labarthe is a production designer.
- M. Kurel is a set decorator.
- J. Doering is a costume designer.
When is Personal Shopper 2017 coming to theaters?
The movie will come on screens in the beginning of March, 2017.
In fact, life after the physical death of the body continues soul of man, but the sight of her can be very different. The soul may look large and luminous, with huge white wings of Faith and can be compressed into a ball, imprisoned in a dark shell of the ego, with cut wings and a hole instead of a heart.
Most of all it depends on how the person has passed his earthly incarnation, worthy or not. Depending on this, the soul will either be blessed with the Forces of Light and God, if it is adequately implemented his earthly problems. Or fall into the slavery of the Dark Forces, and will suffer, if a man had fallen, evil.
Mankind has long decided the question of whether there is life after death. There is! – Say all religions, without exception, and most philosophies. However, with the spread of atheism, this question came up again, and scientists are divided into two opposing camps.
In the meantime, they argue, the news from the other side continues to come to the believers and the unbeliever, and hardly worth dismiss this fact, referring to the bad faith or abnormality of psychics with other world.
“Afterlife exists – says Wang, – the dead continue to live a new life in the spirit world. Their souls are with us. “There are a lot of evidences. For example, in her autobiography, Natalya Petrovna Bekhtereva, an academician, a neuroscientist with a world name, told how ghost after her husband’s death was to come to her, not only at night but during the day, sharing the important thoughts that have not managed to make in life.
Bechtereva says that was not scared at all because it does not doubt the reality of what is happening. The ghost was well aware of the life of Natalia Petrovna, all he predicted came true up to the fact that the lost document themselves in the place to which he pointed. “What was it – a product of the work of my mind caught in a state of stress, or something else – I do not know – she summarized. – One thing I know for sure – it is not imagination.”
“If the assumptions of the materiality of the soul are true, – writes the American physicist David Sushett – that” guests from the past”- not a game disordered imagination, but a very real phenomenon.” According to the scientist, actually repeated the words Bechtereva, contact with the dead, is not available to all, but only to people staying in a particular state of altered consciousness that arises in severe stress or in an extreme situation.
Perhaps, however, it happens, and then, when the messenger of the “Otherworld” has an urgent need to get in touch with real people.
The official movie Personal Shopper trailer is at the top of the page.
The main character of the film “Personal Shopper” is a young girl named Maureen (Kristen Stewart) – moved to Paris to become a personal buyer in a rich socialite. Maureen has to travel a lot in different European countries to buy beautiful and expensive things. During another trip to London, she receives a strange text message from an unknown caller. Initially, Morin believes that it is someone’s joke. But over time, messages are becoming a more mysterious character, and Maureen begins to seem that they come to her from the underworld by her late brother Lewis, who died of a heart attack.
- K. Stewart as Maureen Cartwright
- L. Eidinger as Ingo
- S. Bouaziz as Lara
Release Date
Personal Shopper 2017 movie release date is scheduled on 2nd of March, 2017 in Russia.